What's happening with the club?

2025 SVAT Annual President's Run

Sussex Valley All-Terrain Club # 34 will be holding our 16th Annual President's Run. We all meet up at Adair's Wilderness Lodge on May 17th. Registration is between 8:30 am and 10:30 am. Keep checking this website or our Facebook page for more details. Check our Facebook page for details and updates.

Partial Closure of Trail 3401

October 13, 2022 - Due to circumstances outside of the club’s control, the section of 3401 between Parlee Brook Rd and Glebe Rd will be closed for the season effective immediately. There will be signage to this effect posted and barriers put up at both ends. The club asks that these be respected. It’s private property, and the landowner is working with us on an alternative route through his land. That construction won’t be possible until next year though, as there is a bridge involved. Any attempts to circumvent the barriers and trespass on the closed trail may jeopardize this effort and result in the permanent closure of this section of trail. So, if you are leaving from the timberland and wish to go south, it’s still possible. You will simply have to detour through 3415 after the #7 lookoff in order to connect to the rest of the trail network.


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